Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Date installed: Approximately Sept 2008
Date uninstalled: A few days afterwards

I should start by saying I hate The Sims and for that matter I hate all video games that involve managing crap.
I basically despise any game that has "sim" or "tycoon" in it's title because I know I'm going to have to micromanage some bullsh!t I can't be bothered with.

Now Spore was a video game that was hyped to no end so I felt compelled to give it a shot. I'll admit that what I had read about the game was intriguing so it found it's way onto my PC.

I fired it up and spent a good deal of time as some sort of amoebae in water fighting other guys and floating away from the SOB's who were trying to destroy me. I survived this and got to the point where I got to make my own guy. I'm not sure if you can make a creature that doesn't look like sh!t so I didn't feel bad with what I slapped together.

So I'm running around some island to other creatures hangouts and I have the option to fight them (crap) or dance for them (WTF!?). I danced a few times, I fought a few times, I laughed, I cried and I uninstalled this glorified sim tycoon game.
I wasn't overly angry when I tossed the game, more disappointed in the final result and myself for giving it a few hours of my time.

Looks like I'm not the only one not impressed with Spore.


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